Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Japanese Fairy Tales

Ok. So I'm sorry I'm not posting that often. I know you rely on me, and I haven't been delivering. I'm sorry. Things are pretty hectic right now and i'm trying to adjust to the homework as well as the three sports (frisbee, volleyball, and karate) that I'm doing. Plus my computer has been in lockup.

Oh. So let me tell you about that. So I brought my computer in to be fixed, and I had to leave it with them. For the form that I left it with, I had to tell them my account and password that controls all my registration information and tuition payments and email. I mean this is to some kid that's just getting paid by the hour to sit there, and then he can tell all his friends and before I know it I'm going to be signed up for Advanced Ballet instead of my Econ class. Fuck that.

Anyway I picked up my computer after 4 days and they couldn't have made it more obvious that they had not so much as looked at it, so I guess I'm going to fix it myself. Here's my advice, if you need something fixed, find a guy like me who's pretty good with computers and buy him a six-pack if he finishes it. Better for you, better for me.

So that's the end of that rant. On to my new Japanese class. Right now we're doing a lot of stuff that requires you to be a little more playful with the language rather than the usual kind of dictionary-esque tasks where the teacher says a word and you define it. Anyways, we're doing a storytelling unit and our first two assignments were to summarize this video of the classic Japanese tale momotaro (peach boy) as well as any fairy tale of our choice. I did the Three Little Pigs or (chisai buta san piki). What follows are my two sakubun (essays) that I turned in. The Japanese is not difficult, so reading them should be pretty easy, and good practice.

Here are some definitions:

桃太郎-momotaro- peach boy
ふうふう- fuufuu- married couple
おに- oni- demon
島- shima - island
きびだんご- kibidango - millet cakes (supposedly make you powerful)
復しゅう- fukushuu - revenge
結局- kekkyoku - In the end


タッド アンダーソン


You can find an English translation of the story here.

Now for the 3 Little Pigs, here's the relevent vocabulary:

わら- wara - straw
れんが - renga - bricks
ウルフ- urufu - wolf
ふく - fuku - to blow, ha ha, but seriously
やね- yane - roof
えんかん- enkan - chimney




Don't make fun of my Japanese too much.

1 comment:

アレックス said...