Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A New Era

Alright you guys, I've been doing a ton of writing lately for the paper, my Japanese blog, and now my new job as a writer for a poker website. Because of all this, the old Todd blog has been getting a bit of the shaft lately.

Well it's time for things to change. It's time for a new era.

It's time for.... (duh, duh, DUH!) ... a new contributor.

That's right, it's not just my show any more. But that doesn't mean the old blog's gonna go down the chutes. No, no. I haven't even told you who it's gonna be yet. That's right, it's my boy Jeff.

Jeff has been my co-conspirator in many a ridiculous adventure, such as The Backpack Party which you may remember from New Year's, or the pillar of glory that is Heidkamping. He also took part in a ridiculous adventure we had on Saturday, but I'll let him tell you about that himself.

A new era is rising.

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