Thursday, December 27, 2007

Air Alert

Air Alert is like eating a high fiber diet, it's good for you, but no one's really gonna notice or care if you don't. Also if you do it too much you'll shit your pants.

Okay. I feel I owe you an explanation. Air Alert is a 15-week jumping routine designed to increase your vertical jump by about 5 or 6 inches. It involves a series of jumping exercises that escalate to mind blowing intensity by Week 15. If you play a sport regularly or are in good shape, you can probably start on Week 3, but I didn't want to take any chances, so I started on Week 1. Odd numbered weeks go Monday Wednesday Friday, even numbers go Tuesday Wednesday Thursday.

Phew. I just finished my Air Alert for the day. I'm only on Week 5, but it's still a pain in the ass. Don't be like me and procrastinate your Air Alert until you end up doing it at 3 in the morning. I'm an idiot. But I'm kind of glad it's there, otherwise I'd get completely out of shape. Well, I hope I'll see some improvement when frisbee practice starts up in the winter. If anyone reading this is going to either the Trouble in Vegas or Mardi Gras frisbee tournaments, watch out for the kid on GOP that's gonna jump over you. Haha.

Anyways, all the time I've been writing this I've been trying to find a suitable download of Air Alert on the internet. I'm testing one right now...and it's only half-downloaded. But that can be found here. That's Air Alert 2, complete with videos and workout chart. There's also the Air Alert 3 document that I'd be happy to e-mail to anyone (there's probably legal consequences if I post it online myself), just comment on this post or e-mail me at

Also, here's some wisdom I picked up from some guys on my frisbee team. The way Air Alert works is you crescendo up to week 12, then you rest week 13 and take it easy on week 14, all of this to prepare you for a ridiculous week 15. Your vertical jump is supposed to be at its highest after week 15, but Week 15 makes it much more likely that you will a) injure your legs and b) never want to do Air Alert again. My friend Yui has done Air Alert before but he injured himself on Week 10. His advice is to not do the squat hops (only in Air Alert 3) and replace them with a couple more sets of leap-ups. He also recommends only going up to Week 12 and then doing Week 8 for maintenance.

Oh, and that download just finished. It's legit. Here it is again.

And. Tonight I was having fourth-meal with one of my buddy's, and he was telling me how his architecture mentor at school is really talented and a bangin' hottie. So. I suggested these two architecture-related pickup lines:

1. When does your new project start, because I could get used to working under you.

2. You can erect something right here if you'd like.

Good luck.

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