Friday, December 7, 2007

Skiing in Japan: A Struggle

Speaking a foreign language is tiring, so I usually indulge in 10-11 hours of sleep a night, but this morning a mustered my willpower and got out of my fleece-blanketed futon at 9 AM. This gave me enough time to eat one of my host mom's ridiculously large breakfasts: 2 bowls of rice with konbu (kelp), 2 bowls of miso soup, salad, sausages, tamago-yaki (an extra-delicious variant of scrambled eggs), ham, boiled vegetables, and an-pan (bread filled with red bean paste= DELICIOUS!!!). For another take on Japanese breakfast, check this out (Warning: Excessive Profanity).

From there it was off to the slopes with my dad for my first time skiing in 9 years. Because we rented all our skiing equipment earlier, we just had to head straight up to the mountain we chose to ski on. Now being the super-hip-hop cool dude that I am, I decided that it would be SUPERFLY to bring my camera along to take some RIGHTEOUS photos without the help of my MEMORY CARD which I left in the COMPUTER! Yeah, that's why I don't have any photos. Face Todd, face. But, my dad took some killer shots of me learning how to sky, which brings me to our ski-jou (place to ski), Yakebitai-yama (yama means mountain if you aren't familiar with the go).

We proceeded to strap on our gear and head to the Gondola lift. This lift is a Swiss-Made capsule lift, meaning that the cold can't get into your little bubble of warmth, which was pretty nice, I have to say. My dad knows somebody at the lift station, so we were able to "borrow" (Japanese for not pay for) some lift passes for the day. Once we got in the lift we started heading up the mountain. Having only been on a bunny hill before, I began to grow increasingly frightened when the lift kept going higher and higher with no sign of the other lift station. To banish my fear, my dad took some pictures (his camera makes a gunshot noise whenever he takes a picture, it's hilarious). The results were something like this:

When we finally left the lift at the highest point on the mountain, neither of us realized quite how long it would be before we saw the lift again. Now I wouldn't say I was bad at skiing, oh wait, yes I would, I was shit awful. After spending the obligatory 10 minutes to put my skies on, I proceeded to lose control of my speed and fly into a snow embankment on the very wasn't steep enough to call it a hill or a slope, yeah, we'll just say I bit it on the very first inclined plane. From there , it didn't get much better. If I had to describe my skiing style, I'd call it a constant effort to reach the fetal position, but being thwarted by the rigid plastic of my boots. My dad kept trying to get me to put my weight back and keep my back straight but fuck that, I fetal-ed my way down the first half of that mountain and my skies only came off three times. Hell Yeah. This should give you a rough idea:

After that, we came upon a slope that we (successfully) determined was much too dangerous. Which brings me to an undiscovered event I plan to submit to the Winter Olympics, Boot Skiing. It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It's just like skiing except without the skees, danger, and potential for FUN:

Unrelated. I know. But there wasn't the actual clip from the show on YouTube, and this is way funnier than any picture montage. But Boot Skiing. Was actually the most fun I had on the first run, because many of the same principle as skiing apply, it's just easier, slower, and falling down is fun rather than a pain in the ass. When we reached the bottom the steep slope, I put on my skees and 15 minutes later I was back to my earlier inadequacy. We had some lunch (Chicken Curry) at the lodge when we reached the bottom, and you know what it tasted like? It tasted like failure:

Yeah, well I don't like failure. So after lunch I insisted we go and do the same slope again. This time I TOOK NO PRISONERS RAWRGGHHRA:

You can almost taste the improvement. But really, I did get a lot better, and we even went a third time. It started to be really fun once I figured out how to slow down and turn at the same time (the key is lowering your shoulder). It ended up being a lot of fun, and I'm really excited to go again this weekend. When we got back home, we were both really pooped, but I had the energy to get my SD from the computer and take this epic picture of my dad sleeping like a rock star:


1 comment:

アレックス said...



well done well done well done well done