Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dave Koz, Best Sax Player Ever, or DOUBLE Best Sax Player Ever

Now as you watch this, it is important to realize one crucial thing, Dave Koz is a huge tool. You can just imagine middle-aged women creaming their jeans to this. That's when it gets really funny.

Here are some things to look for:

- Tiny phallic saxophone
- Unnecessary dancing
- Facial expressions that go along with the music, meant to imply "soul"
- Roundhouse kicks to emphasize certain notes
- The bass player who is stoned out of his gourd
- Dave Koz sneaking up behind the bass player and playing behind his leg
- Dave challenges the bass player to a "battle," but never actually lets him play and instead invades his personal space.
- Obscenely long high note with equally preposterous angle of both back and saxophone

Spread the word, people. Dave Koz 08.


Anonymous said...

hey..he faked that long note too...there's a point in the middle of the note where you can hear a track/synth/reverb take over. Besides..there's no way he can come in on that next lick without a bigger breath after that note. Lolz @ tiny phallic saxaphone.

Anonymous said...

haha my speakers aren't hooked up but I still just watched the video... I'm glad I didn't have speakers b/c I'm sure it was pretty lame... but watching it WITHOUT sound is fantastic... he looks incredibly fake.

Anonymous said...

this needs to be submitted to somethingawful.com

Anonymous said...

You gotta say it's pretty funny though!